CDC Withholding Data

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5505

    Article in The NY Times about the CDC withholding Covid data from the public. Specifically ages 18-49 and vaccine effectiveness.

    Shouldn’t this agency be completely transparent? How is this even possible?

    Posts: 4789

    No way!? I would of never guessed that hah

    Posts: 5518

    They came right out and said they didn’t release it “for fear of people misinterpreting the data”…

    Another quote from the CDC:

    “It’s [the data] not yet ready for prime-time”

    And another:

    “It wasn’t because the data wasn’t ready; it was because the systems and how it physically displayed on the page wasn’t working the way that they wanted it to,” Nordlund said.

    Essentially shots for 18-49 year olds work most of the time sometimes, but not other times, or all the time, or any of the time, part of the time.

    But 60% of the time, it works every time )

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18710

    This has been pretty transparent the entire time lol. I seen it from day 1. If they told the truth then people wouldn’t be scared and the shot wouldn’t create billions in revenue. Goes along with the reports that came out a few weeks back that the hospitals are not in fact over run with covid. People may have tested for covid but are there for other reasons unrelated. But those numbers are put in the system as covid hospitalizations. And then reported o. Every news station this way. Strange

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18260

    No one knows the truth. End all mandates.

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 380

    Bearcat….and that is a bunch of BS. Talk to people who work in/with hospitals to find out the truth. No one is just counting them as Covid admissions….It is the false information that has prolonged this epidemic.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15703

    I’ve always respected the CDC as an agency for the valuable work they do on viruses, diseases, bacterial outbreaks, etc. I find it to be a fascinating field to work in.

    However, I will say that their communication during the past 2 years has been awful. Its one thing, and then another. Then it reverses. I mean at some point, we don’t know know what to do because they’ve literally contradicted themselves from a previous statement.

    Becker MN
    Posts: 876

    Bearcat….and that is a bunch of BS. Talk to people who work in/with hospitals to find out the truth. No one is just counting them as Covid admissions….It is the false information that has prolonged this epidemic.

    Officials from New York City-based NYU Langone Health told The New York Times in a Jan. 4 report that about 65 percent of its COVID-19 patients were “incidentally” found to be infected after admission for other reasons. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul asked hospitals to adjust their reporting on COVID-19 hospitalizations beginning Jan. 4 to make the distinction between those admitted for the virus as their primary condition and those who incidentally test positive.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18710

    Bearcat….and that is a bunch of BS. Talk to people who work in/with hospitals to find out the truth. No one is just counting them as Covid admissions….It is the false information that has prolonged this epidemic.

    The cdc came out and said this them selves last month. My brother is a doctor and half my family as well.
    Just a few Google searches will bring you the results right from the cdc.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1277

    I work in a hospital. If you are admitted and you have a postive Covid test you are absolutely counted as a Covid admission regardless of what we are treating you for.

    For Example, the only teenage Covid admission we took the WHOLE pandemic was a 17 year old who took a whole bottle of Tylenol. (depressed with a break up). He was sent to the ICU for standard Tylenol antedote protocol (long infusion that lasts a couple days). Absolutely no respiratory symptoms. Got the Covid test on admission anyway. never received a med or oxygen related to Covid.

    absolutely was reported as 1.) positive covid case, 2.) PEDS Covid admission 3.) PEDS COVID ICU admission……….. and if he had died he would have been a front page STRIB article on a under 20 with zero commorbidity COIVD death.

    Once I witnessed that I knew I could not trust one story/MDH data point on ANY under 20 person. I will need to read the chart before any conclusion can be made on those insanely rare outlier patients.

    carry on……..

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18710

    I work in a hospital. If you are admitted and you have a postive Covid test you are absolutely counted as a Covid admission regardless of what we are treating you for.

    For Example, the only teenage Covid admission we took the WHOLE pandemic was a 17 year old who took a whole bottle of Tylenol. (depressed with a break up). He was sent to the ICU for standard Tylenol antedote protocol (long infusion that lasts a couple days). Absolutely no respiratory symptoms. Got the Covid test on admission anyway. never received a med or oxygen related to Covid.

    absolutely was reported as 1.) positive covid case, 2.) PEDS Covid admission 3.) PEDS COVID ICU admission……….. and if he had died he would have been a front page STRIB article on a under 20 with zero commorbidity COIVD death.

    Once I witnessed that I knew I could not trust one story/MDH data point on ANY under 20 person. I will need to read the chart before any conclusion can be made on those insanely rare outlier patients.

    carry on……..

    Thank you for posting this.

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1277

    That doesn’t mean the majority of admissions were this… It just means that there is a SIGNIFICANT story/statistic that isn’t being told…. We had many legitimate COVID cases.

    Posts: 5518

    Joe, so you mean to tell me we’ve been “misled” this entire time?

    And that we could “misinterpret” data released?

    Well color me shocked coffee (and thank you for posting as well)

    I’d be very interested to find out the true number of people who have been hospitalized and died as a direct result of the virus.

    My gut has been telling me it might be just a few less than what’s been reported… smash

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18710

    That doesn’t mean the majority of admissions were this… It just means that there is a SIGNIFICANT story/statistic that isn’t being told…. We had many legitimate COVID cases.

    Absolutely. Doesn’t mean it’s still not deadly to those who have weak immune systems. It means there is a ton of false info on this. My brother has told me this since day one. From what he sees with his own eyes. And the case that was reported the other day was 45 percent..
    I’ve been skeptical since my good buddies dad passed from covid and the hospitals labeled it covid. But under a private autopsy it had nothing linked to the 19. That was where my skepticism jumped in. This was around the time of our original stay home order

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 552

    The CDC has been caught lying since the very beginning – when they said masks don’t work in order to keep people from buying them up. But then again, it turns out they were right all along about masks not working – so was it actually a lie?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 15703

    The CDC has been caught lying since the very beginning – when they said masks don’t work in order to keep people from buying them up. But then again, it turns out they were right all along about masks not working – so was it actually a lie?

    That’s exactly what I’m talking about when I posted about their communication issues. Masking is just one of the things they’ve gone back and forth on several times.

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 10988

    i have a hard time believing ANYTHING that comes from government these days!!!!!!!!! doah

    Posts: 2596

    If you don’t believe it in the first place, who cares if they post it or not? It’s irrelevant. The data they may be withholding may be pure raw data that means nothing until processed and made suitable for comprehensive and understandable release. Or would you rather receive incomplete and unverified data?

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1277

    If you don’t believe it in the first place, who cares if they post it or not? It’s irrelevant. The data they may be withholding may be pure raw data that means nothing until processed and made suitable for comprehensive and understandable release. Or would you rather receive incomplete and unverified data?

    ummmmmmm what?? incomplete and unverified data is exactly what they have supplied….. not sure you mean.

    Posts: 2461

    That doesn’t mean the majority of admissions were this… It just means that there is a SIGNIFICANT story/statistic that isn’t being told…. We had many legitimate COVID cases.

    This is the rational thought process that I personally like a lot!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18710

    If you don’t believe it in the first place, who cares if they post it or not? It’s irrelevant. The data they may be withholding may be pure raw data that means nothing until processed and made suitable for comprehensive and understandable release. Or would you rather receive incomplete and unverified data?

    Lol. It’s 2 years worth of falsified numbers that gets posted nightly on our news stations.
    How isn’t that concerning. That’s the very thing that causes people to be scared and take injections

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 3929

    I don’t understand why people are shocked by this. On any issue, how many times have you talked to someone that witness something and said what was reported on the news was wrong.

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 1553

    Not shocking at all, yet another well known concept that was incorrectly labelled as wild conspiracy for the past 2 years.

    Also this is apparent at the state and county level data sets and has been for quite some time. St. Croix county, WI total deaths related to COVID since March 2020: 136. Total deaths under 40 yrs old: 0.

    Go find the data at the local level and interpret it for yourself, don’t wait for the feds to “process” the data for you and serve it up on the nightly propaganda machine. The real problem here is how many Americans expect to be spoon fed results by an incapable and ineffective federal government.

    Posts: 5518

    I don’t understand why people are shocked by this. On any issue, how many times have you talked to someone that witness something and said what was reported on the news was wrong.

    I don’t think anyone is shocked… We’re being sarcastic about it.

    The bullshit is (and has been) a lot easier to smell without a mask on. The narrative is collapsing.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 10696

    The data they may be withholding may be pure raw data that means nothing until processed and made suitable for comprehensive and understandable release. Or would you rather receive incomplete and unverified data?

    CDC, MDH etc. literally release the raw data that their opinions are based off of, so it can be thoroughly vetted by other sources, and interpreted for other use. If the Govt just released their “completed” and “verified” by them data, that is the definition of propaganda. Jeez.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11237

    Bearcat….and that is a bunch of BS. Talk to people who work in/with hospitals to find out the truth. No one is just counting them as Covid admissions….It is the false information that has prolonged this epidemic.

    Just Curious – Do you work at a Hospital in a position where you know what is put down as the reason for admission ??? If not, how do you know what’s being put down???

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 18710

    Bearcat….and that is a bunch of BS. Talk to people who work in/with hospitals to find out the truth. No one is just counting them as Covid admissions….It is the false information that has prolonged this epidemic.

    I missed the other part. Yes it has prolonged the ” epidemic ” for the worse for the money. You are correct on that point. But thats from them not me.

    Posts: 2596

    Just because statistics don’t conform to your personal agenda or ideology doesn’t mean they’re propaganda.

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 380

    FishThumper, Yes I do work in Healthcare on numerous levels

    SW Metro
    Posts: 10696

    Just because statistics don’t conform to your personal agenda or ideology doesn’t mean they’re propaganda.

    Sure, but info that is released or withheld by the govt (CDC), without the raw data backing it, is literally the definition of propaganda.

    Propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

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