Anyone Watch “Cold Water Bootcamp”?

  • dirk_w.
    Posts: 669

    This show was on KSTC this a.m. It was a 1/2 hr. show demonstrating-with very strong swimmers-what is going to happen to you if you fall in cold water without a lifejacket. Lots of interesting statistics on how/why people die when they fall into cold water. They defined cold water as under 68 degrees. I still get lazy every once in awhile and dont put mine on, even knowing wht cold water is going to do to a person. Very interesting to see it in real life though. The obvious moral of the story – wear your life jacket. Especially since a lot of cat guys fish at night in secluded areas. Watch this show if you ever get a chance.

    Litchfield, MN
    Posts: 463

    I made my 11 year old watch it since he comes down to P4 with me quite often and doesn’t think he should have to wear a life jacket. That was a good show to help every body understand that it doesn’t matter how big and bad you are you will struggle in them conditions.

    Posts: 395

    Yeah–I just happen to scan channels and watched this too–was good–guy should really get one of those self inflating devices-so can wear without the bulky or heat when summer comes!!

    west central Minnesotsa
    Posts: 921

    My wife bought me a self inflate for Christmas several years ago. One of the good things about it is, it does not count as a life preserver unless you are wearing it. Since it is so comfortable and almost like it is not there, I’m never without it. I’ve got to find that show. I hope they repeat it.

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