Spawning Facts?

  • fishhead
    Posts: 215

    I was writing up a fact sheet for a little conservation project I have going and realized I don’t know that much about catfish and their spawning habits.I know the basics the temps,(72 to 75 for flatheads,75 to 80 for channels). where they like to spawn(wood tangles,old logs) and that the males guard the nest and look after the young.But how long does this process take,what is the survival rate,how many eggs are laid?Does fluctuating levels and temps have adverse affects?What factors make a good year class?Do big females produce more eggs.At what age do females become productive?

    It turns out I don’t know squat!Can any answer some of these questions or suggest some good reading to help me out?

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    hi Fishhead, can’t answer too many of your questions, but will take a stab at one of them. fluctuating water levels. with cats spawning at these warmer temps, that would be early to mid summer time, and there is not much of a fluctuating water problem like we have in mid to late spring. hopefully a few more folks will add some more info. good questions, thanks. Jack.

    Posts: 13

    I would say to know that many questions you know more than squat.In-fishermans “channel catfish fever”is probably the most informative book on cats I have read,you might find some of your answers in can check it out from the library.

    Iowa, Davenport
    Posts: 144

    Yo Flathead— You’ve got some tuff questions for River Rats!

    I’m not sure what State you live in, but the Iowa DNR has a bunch of Fishery guys that help out “In-Fisherman”. Search on IA DNR.


    Posts: 215

    Thanks guys for the responses.I have found a lot of answers.The MN DNR has been helpful as well as the guys at In Fisherman.I also have found some information spending hours searching and surfing the web.Now I have to find some time to write.This will be the hard part with my favorite waters already open or about to.

    Still if anyone runs into any good reading or information please share it.A guy can never learn enough.

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