Team Supreme Super North

  • tennispro
    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    I wanted to give everyone a quick post on my Team Supreme findings.
    My partner and I fished the first Super North event out of Savanna Il this past weekend. Let me tell you, it was run very well. I know that some guys got a bad taste in the past. But this is all new. The numbers are kind of low (for now) which makes it a great trail for guys that are just getting started in tournament fishing. Or even guys that are looking for an event to fill an open weekend. Trust me you will not be disapointed in fishing with Team Supreme again or for the first time.

    No I don’t work for Team Supreme I am just a guy that was very happy with the new direction of Team Supreme. They will see me again that is for sure.


    Cedar Rapids Area
    Posts: 1530

    The Super North will never be what it ised to be. Is harry running it? If so then undoubtedly it was run well. Do you know if they plan on comming back up to LAX?

    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    Yeah, Small numbers. But I would think as they move up river they should get more guys. I don’t know how many of those I can make, because my wife is about to have a baby any day

    Marion, IA
    Posts: 65

    They started “upriver” last year and it was a bust, hence the reason to move downstream. Had they changed the name, maybe it would have had a chance. Too many associate the name with negative opinions, regardless of who the owner may be now.

    Sterling, IL
    Posts: 375

    Yeah, that is what I thought too. But I just am going to spred the word of what I thought of the tournaments. I know some people will never come back to them. But I would just say give them a shot

    Posts: 11

    Im in the Team supreme super south nice to here our northern cousins run it well also ive been very happy with the way our tournaments are run…23 teams in our bracket atm hoping we can pick up a few more.

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