Mississippi River Pool 2 Walleyes Report_10-22-09

Cold, windy, rainy and possibly snow was the forecast for Friday morning. This definitely kept other fisherman from visiting Pool 2 on the Mississippi, but if you are willing to brave the elements you will be rewarded with aggressive hungry walleyes that typically eat right through a cold front like this healthy 26 incher.

A few noteworthy bits of information:

1. Rain, snow, clouds and overcast should not scare you away from fishing the river the right now. If you have the right gear and are willing to brave the elements you can be rewarded. These fish are putting on the feedbag for winter so get your baits on the buffet and hold on.

2. The actively feeding fish are high up on the dam and in very shallow water. Almost all of the fish we hooked this morning came to surface almost immediately which leads me to believe these fish were sitting in less than 3 ft of water when hooked, right on top of the dam. One particular cast I made was a long one to the inside, shoreline side of the dam right on top of it. My bait was in the water no more than 2 seconds before I could impart my first lift and hold when a walleye whacked it. It was so abrupt and quick it nearly startled me. These fish are up there for a reason so be ready when the bait hits the water. One trick I have learned is towards the end of your cast just before the bait hits the water, close the bail manually and grab the line with your left hand until you feel it tighten up. This ensures you have a ready set position to drive hooks home on those quick bites.

3. Baits for my boat have been BFishN Tackle KGrubs and hair jigs hands down. Colors have been dark on overcast days like the black/grey/sparkle tail in the first picture and purple, black, blue in hair jigs. Nothing fancy or bright needed right now so black or plain lead head jigs are all you need.

Good luck and don’t put the boat away yet.


  1. Nice fish Micah. It takes a hardy soul to chase those walleyes in those conditions but I guess a chance to fish with your dad is reason enough to go. Its 3:30 saturday morning right now and not much else going on so the boat is heading down there. Sure hope they are still biting with out the rain and snow.

  2. Good report Micah,I found a good K-tail bite on P4 Thursday morning also.Black 1/8 th and purple k, super shallow.

  3. 330 in the morning, goodness Mike. I woke up at 4 but I forget you live in Ham Lake so it’s a bit further for you than me. Have fun hope you get some fish.

  4. Caught a few this morning. Every thing on K grubs. It must be the big tail on those grubs they seem to be keying in on right now. Looks like it is going to be a busy day down there.

  5. Great report Micah!

    Sure a lot of sticks and junk floatin’ down the river this morning. Kevin and I were out for a few hours, good numbers but size wasn’t quite there. Always next time!

  6. was a nice night to be out tonight. only bad part is that it gets dark at 630. fish were still active.

  7. I’ll be putting up a report but the fishing has been unreal. Thursday we put around a 140 walleye in the boat on a 4 hour trip! They averaged 14″-16″ not huge but great eating fish. I went out last night looking for a big one and I had one on about 28”? to the boat but before I could net her she shook the jig Oh well no pics but she was fun If you need some fish for the pan those are pretty much guaranteed. The big ones are catchable you just have to put in a little time. Most of my clients want supper before a picture so that’s what I’ve been focusing on. I’m looking forward to trolling the Nov full moon

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