Burchard Lake, Nebraska Bass Fishing Report

Sunday morning we had a little club tournament on Burchard Lake in southeast Nebraska. The fishing started out pretty slow, but just before noon things started to pick up.

We started at the dam and continued into a cove near the dam. I was alternating between a Black/Blue Flake Venom Salty Sling and LC SKT Mini crankbait. The action was pretty slow. I did catch a couple small bass but that was it. My partner managed to catch a 15" bass on a 10" worm.

With the action as slow as it was we started hopping around different locations on the lake. The temps were heating up and the action was slowing down. We started hitting some of the same locations we tried earlier in the morning. Finally around noon it was like someone flipped the light switch. Three guys in float tubes went by in the shallow water in front of us then one of them hooked up with what looked like a 6lb bass. It jumped several feet out of the water and came unhooked. Not a minute later I finally hooked up with a nice 3 pounder. I was carolina rigging a black/blue flake Venom Hollow Hog with a tube rattle inserted in about 10 feet of water. About 15 minutes later I hooked up with a little better 3+lb bass in about 6 feet of water. Then again about 20 minutes later I hooked up with what felt like a much better bass but after a 10 second fight it came off. It hit out in about 10 feet of water. I gave my partner a hollow hog to try out. We both fan cast the area then it slowed down. Then he pulled out a black and blue Manns Stone Jig and caught a nice 4 pounder in the area I had lost an earlier fish. Not too much longer he hooked up with another bass that went 4lbs 4oz bass on the same jig. Shortly after I connected again with a 3lb class bass on my Carolina Rig. Yet again, Bill hooked into another 3lb bass on his jig. All these bass were caught in about 50 yards of each other. Time was winding down in the tournament and Bill finished with 4 bass and I had three. Between the two of us our 5 best topped 17 lbs.

The day started out slow, but we stuck with it and ended up having a pretty good day. Yet again Burchard produced the quality bass that it is known for.


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