Wagon Train, NE – Fishing Report from Sept. 2

It was a cool and rainy start to a beautiful holiday weekend in eastern Nebraska. I was able to get in a few hours of fishing at Wagon Train on Saturday morning and managed to have the entire lake to myself for a while on one of the busiest weekends of the year.

It started out to be the perfect morning with cloudy skies and a light breeze out of the north. The temperature was in the upper 50’s with rain on the way. I haven’t caught a walleye for several weeks and decided to pull my new favorite crank baits the Berkley Flicker Shad. With the recent rains and sudden drop in our temperatures the last couple of weeks the vegitation has died back dramatically. This has caused the water to get very murky making it nearly impossible to see a chartruse crank bait even 8 inches under the water. I decided to start out with one dark colored bait and one bright colored bait. Things started out very slow. In the first three hours or so I only caught 4 small bass and 1 nice bass. No walleye.

Around 11:00 I was finally joined by my cousin Pete and a steady rain. The rain chased the two other boats off the lake and we now had it to ourselves. Adding a couple more poles really helped out. We used the dark baits and the bright baits both. I can’t say that one was working better than the other. Right away we had a double on and came up with two more small bass. It seemed that every time the rain would come down hard we would catch a fish. The harder it rained the bigger the fish would get too.

We had to call it a day around 2:00. We both had places to be for the weekend with family and friends. It was a great day to be out and although we didn’t boat a walleye the bass sure showed us a good time. We were really hoping for a bonus muskie but were unable to connect.

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Ben Garver

Avid walleye angler on several Nebraska lakes. I fish the Nebraska Walleye Trail and have fished as an amature on the PWT.Also love ice fishing!


  1. Great report, Ben! I’ve never fished any of those lakes out east, but would love to sometime. Looking forward to a nice muskie pic one of these days from you.

  2. I had a 10 lb’er a couple of weeks ago but didn’t have the camera. If you make it out this way sometime let me know. You can leave your boat at home and jump in with me. Maybe we could hit Branched Oak for some flatties!!

  3. Nice LMB Peter and Benjamin . The NWT will be much easier next year now that your have both made the switch over to the other side .

  4. Quote:

    managed to have the entire lake to myself for a while on one of the busiest weekends of the year.

    Gotta luv it!

  5. Very nice report Ben!

    I have to comment on the “no camera”…

    Ever since I released a 4.5 (guess)pound smallie, I’ve carried a min of 2 and my boat has three cameras in it.

    When we boated my smallie of a life time…I didn’t have a camera, wasn’t going to eat it and wasn’t going to take it home just to take a picture of it and then toss it in the garbage.

    I still have the fight and boating of that pig in my mind…but sure would have liked to have a pic…for when my memory completly goes south.

    Now I have forgot the memory card for one camera at home already.

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