Quickie Saturday Report

  • dank
    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    My brother and I got out on Saturday from 9-2 and ended up getting into a nice bunch of fish in the first half hour we fished. The fish where coming in 8-12 feet of water and we where getting them on rattle traps and spinnerbaits. These bass where hitting very aggressively and when we where bringing the fish in we had multiple other bass swimming with them. Pretty neat to see for Largies as I have only seen it with Smallies. Just as quickly as the fish turned on, they shut off and we couldn’t buy another bite. We tried a couple of other areas and finally came back to the same generally area to fish the day. We ended up slowing our presentation down with Wacky rigged 4 in tiki worms and finnesse worm, the result/fish catching improved drastically. We ended the day finding another nice pocket of fish. The fishappear to be getting ready to move up and spawn. As you can imagine the later the day went, the more fish we saw crusins and caught.
    Water temps where in the 58-63 degree range. all of our fish came in the 61-63 and where around the panfish.

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