Wappy Report?

  • cougareye
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    Thinking about taking the family out on Wappy Saturday. Any reports on the crappies? I’m assuming the ice is out and is warming quickly with this 70+ weather.

    Posts: 2

    I have been up the last 3 weekends. The water is about 56 degrees. I haven’t been out for crappies yet, just from the dock. Lots of boats at the river mouth constantly. Did you have any luck?

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 4145

    We ended up on another lake, Big Lake. Not much to report on that trip. It was actually hot in the boat that day when you got out of the wind.

    Welcome to the site Willis! Are you fishing Wappy for the opener?

    Eden Prairie
    Posts: 61

    Any of you guys ever fish the Apple river flowage? All I need is a little basic info on shallow area’s to avoid, the parking situation.


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