Pool 4

  • Dobber
    S.W. WI
    Posts: 113

    Have the next couple of days off,was just curious if a guy can get some fish trolling. I will be coming over 3 hours away and if its pretty tough right now I’ll skip it and try later this fall. Thanks for any responses.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5852


    The bite has actually been pretty darn good. I sure hate to curse your trip though. I think you will do just fine weather permitting.

    Posts: 604

    I trolled the head of the lake with some folks who had never fished before and we boated about 15 fish down there in about 3-4 hours along with a bunch more sheephead and bass pitching hair jigs. should be pretty good.

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