Question about portables and removal

  • Michael Burcusa
    Saint Louis Park
    Posts: 69

    What does the DNR mean by ‘Dark houses, fish houses and portables must be off the ice no later than midnight for each of the dates given in the following categories below.’?

    If I go fishing for crappie next weekend here in the metro, am I not allowed to use my portable at all? Or is it that I can’t leave it out on the ice if I am not with it?

    Posts: 6689

    YOu can use any house you want; as long as you occupy it.

    Take your perm and go fishing, or your portable. As long as you don’t leave it on the lake; you’re good to go.

    Posts: 6689

    Just can’t leave then unattended and on the ice after midnight.

    You can stay in your house overnight though.

    Kent Tau
    Posts: 205

    my understanding is you cannot leave it overnight and or unattended. If you are there to occupy it I don’t why you couldn’t. Educate me if I am wrong.

    Michael Burcusa
    Saint Louis Park
    Posts: 69

    Thanks everyone, that is what seems to make the most sense to me as well and was the assumption that I had been operating by. I became confused when the star tribune wrote today:

    “Snow is ex­pect­ed to re­turn to the Twin Cities area Mon­day night. If that in­spires you to en­gage in some tra­di­tion­al out­door fun, your op­por­tuni­ties are fad­ing fast.

    Fish hous­es must be pulled from the ice by mid­night Mon­day in the low­er two-thirds of Minnesota.”

    It makes it sound like you can’t even use one. But they (The StarTrib) are definitely not the authority on the subject.

    Posts: 144

    They didn’t word that very well did they.

    I think they intended to say,
    Unattended fish houses cannot be left on the ice overnight AFTER March 1st, and
    must be pulled from the ice by midnight on Monday in the lower two-thirds of Minnesota.

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