Pasha Lake Bear/Fishing Combo!!

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    Hey Chad!!

    As you know my dad and I are coming up in September on a bear hunt, and we’re looking forward to getting our lines wet on some of that fantastic fishing earlier in the days. What do you think we should target in that September timeframe?? I’m not sure I can handle the excitement of a Bear hunt after fishing during the first half of the day!! My Dad is really really excited!! Knowing him he’ll have his truck packed with gear by this next weekend!!

    Youngstown NY
    Posts: 230

    Hey Chris- you have a PM. Pete

    Posts: 5660

    Hey Pete!!

    Thanks for the PM!! This will be our first time to Pasha, but my good friend has raved about all the fishing to experience!! I’m hoping to make this an annual fall Hunting?fishing combo trip for my dad and I!! We’ve talked about a Canadian Bear hunt for many moons, and now seeing it come to fruition with fishing during the first part of the day has really got us excited!! Hope you have a fantastic trip in June, and that would be wonderful if you could report back for us all when you get back. You can give yourself a few days if your arms are to sore to henpeck the report!! Stay away from those Trophy Black bears!! I too will be posting my experience when my dad and I return!! CANNOT WAIT!! As if I don’t get enough fishing in huh!! LOL!! I think my wife thinks I’m crazy as a FISHING GUIDE to take some time off in September to FISH AND HUNT!!

    Youngstown NY
    Posts: 230

    Thanks Chris, I will definitely let all know how things went when we get back in June.Good luck to you and your Dad also, and don’t forget the BUGSUITS!!!!!!

    Posts: 5660

    On the List Pal!! Thanks for the reminder though!!

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Hi Chris –
    September fishing can bring some fantastic walleye fishing (…go figure) but what I love about that time of year is the white fish. As you can probably guess, the water temps are starting their cooling process. Once thing reach the mid 50 degree mark, the white fish move up into the rivers to spawn. You can literally go and stand on the river bank and fill a cooler with them.
    Last fall we did a show with the New Fly Fisherman and did just that. It was a blast, and the host couldn’t get enough.
    Walleyes are still concentrated out detached structure that time of year. With perfect fishing temps, no bugs, action packed angling for eyes and white fish… not sure if that is heaven right here on earth or not…. but it’s pretty darn close!


    Posts: 5660

    Very Cool Chad!! I’ve caught my share of nice whitefish through the ice when fishing for crappies, and know they are often vulnerable to small larvea or bugs. Hence I’m sure your success fly fishing them. For the guy (ME) that isn’t versed with a fly rod are they catchable with other applications?? I know whitefish can be a blast to catch, and very few places you can get after them. You can bet we’ll be slinging for eyes for sure!! I’m really excited to get after a black bear too!! Have you boys shot any big guys up there?? How many bait stations do you typically run??

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    Hey Chris….you’re going to be stuck with me for a day in August up in Rainy. I was at Pasha last year….I’ll tell you all about my “secret pasha spots” Then you can show me where the Big walleye are at Rainy. Pasha is a great’ll have a great time.

    I do really hope you’ll show me where the big walleye are at Rainy!!

    Posts: 5660

    Hey Trpsht!!

    Look forward to fishing with you in August. I’m a pretty hardcore hunter, and am looking forward to exploring different hunting opportunities with Chad at Pasha Lake. Of course I don’t need to explain my passion for fishing, so I am equally as excited to rip some big Pasha fish!!

    Don’t worry Trphsht!! We’ll be chasing the big Rainy Walleyes, and with a little cooperation will catch them!!

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Chris –
    Ya, I am not a fly guy either, but it was neat to watch… I have never seen a guy fly fish for them before, it made for some great entertainment.

    We typically use small meps spinners, and just cast them from shore. I don’t even tip mine with anything and land as many as I want. They run a decent average size too, and of course being from Nipigon, you’ll see some dandies!

    Biggest bear during my tenure has been a 450lbs bruiser shot 2 years ago by Doug Plourde from WI. It went Pope and Young, with a skull size over 21”. It’s kind of weird, even our average size bears generally score well.
    Being we start baiting mid July and bait heavy all the way through, we have had good success with keeping them off the natural forage and on the baits. This has proven well for us, especially last year when other outfitter struggled due to block buster berry crops.
    You should be hitting it in the sweet spot… cooler temps, bait conditioned bears, great fishing… you should have your pick of the litter!

    Posts: 5660

    450lb Bear is a TANKER!! How many guys can you take during the bear season?? Do you do larger groups or prefer to stay like my dad and I in smaller parties??

    Youngstown NY
    Posts: 230

    Hey TRAPSHT—— You have a PM in your box! Thanks. Pete

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Chris –

    Regarding your question, we try to limit our bear hunters to no more than 12 a week.
    We lease roughly 35000 acres of exclusive bear management area (BMA) so we try to annually rotate our baits to avoid over harvest. In fact, this year we are going to bait an area that probably hasn’t been hunted in 10 years or so, possibly never due to it’s distance from camp. It will be in a burn that happen about 10 years ago. After the burn, I am sure the berry crops went wild, which should have attracted a lot of bears. Having little to know pressure and now that the under growth is choking off the berries, I am excited to get in there and see what it has to offer.
    As a side note, we bait heavy starting mid July and bait heavy all the way through to the opener (Aug 15). By doing so, we have found that we can keep the bears off their natural forage and on the baits. This has been put to test the last couple of years with the tremendous berry crops we have had and last year it was evident it was working, while a lot of the other guys were struggling.

    Posts: 5660

    35000 Acres!! WOW!! I’m all for hunting in “NOWHERE LAND”!! Very Very COOL!! Sounds like an area PRIME for a TANKER!! Sounds like you boys do a heck of a lot of work to put people on Bear Chad. Certainly I understand hunting is hunting. A guy can only do so much similiar to fishing, but sounds like your team is going above and beyond for their guests!! Very nice!! My Dad and I should probably start our Gun Registry with Canada?? Make sure everything is in line for our Hunt/Fish. Any idea how long that might take? Can I request a form through the mail or online?? Sorry for so many questions Chad, but figure a few others might be interested as well.

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Hi Chris –

    Something that is so unfortunate and prevents people from coming to Canada is all the MISINFORMATION that is out there regarding border crossings. Glad you asked, because it gives me an opportunity to clear the air and let people make decisions based on fact and not rumors or fiction…

    1) Getting a gun in to Ontario is not a challenge at all! You simply fill out a straightforward registration form in the comfort of your home (don’t sign it until you get to the border), declare the gun at the border and pay a quick $25 fee for up to 4 guns. That’s it. Most guys that come here say the border guys didn’t even ask to see their firearm.

    Here is the link for more information for coming to Canada with a gun: Firearms Info

    Here is the link for the firearm registration form. You can print it from your PC, fill it out and bring it with you when crossing the border (don’t sign it until you arrive at the border)
    Firearms Form

    2) Regarding DWI’s & DUI’s. They will not prevent you from getting into Canada! There is way too much information to cover here so I will just give you the quick info. The best way to look at DWI/DUI convictions is using 3 windows.
    a. Window #1 (0 to 5 Years) not likely to get in
    b. Window #2 (6 to 10 Years) pay a fee and you’re in
    c. Window #3 (10 years or older) – you are considered “rehabilitated” and are allowed in

    3) Passports – You do not need a passport to come to Canada from the US. You are required to have a passport to regain entry to the US, however I haven’t found a border patrol agent yet that is willing to hold a US citizen in Canada because they “lost” or “forgot” their passport. Further, you do not need a full passport to travel by auto. You have the option of using a passcard which carries the same credentials for about ½ the cost.

    Oh – and you can get a passport now in less than a month. The backlog on passports has been flushed out and they are firing them out like candy

    4) New Ontario Boating Regulations – The new regs DO NOT apply to non residents. Simple as that!

    Chris – every once in a while we hear a horror story about somebody trying to cross the border. Just like anything else, there are some bad experiences out there but the LARGE majority cross the border without any hassles. If I have 200 or so groups that come to Pasha Lake Cabins every year, I may hear about one border aggravation and usually it’s pretty minor.

    It’s kind of a sad and frustrating thing when I hear people say they won’t come to Canada because of the hassle of crossing the border, when in reality, it isn’t a hassle at all.

    Jumping off the band wagon now!!! Can’t wait to see your face when it’s pitch black out, your heart is pumping 900 miles an hour and you’ve just piled your bear of a life time!

    Chad –

    PS – If anyone has questions regarding the border or getting into Canada for that matter, I don’t care if you staying with us or not, give us a call. We can give you facts and help you out in the process. 866 333 5943

    Posts: 5660

    FANTASTIC INFORMATION CHAD!! Maybe if James sees this he will be willing to post this for all to see as I believe your are correct that the fear of the unknown is worse than the reality of the situation. I cross the border fishing many many times, and have seldom had any issues with border agents. My advise is to be prepared when crossing by having all I’s Dotted and T’s crossed. Be polite, and don’t try get away with anything you shouldn’t. I’d be willing to bet there are many other guys that were skeptical about transporting a firearm across the border. I will document my trip, and be further eductated to also answer questions should other outdoorsman want a chance at a Trophy Black Bear!!

    Oh….AND YES!! I’l still be up in my stand Pal!! Still shaking too bad to get down!! But isn’t that what makes grown men hunt and fish with such passion. Isn’t it the rush you receive and the flush of excitement that drives the hunt or fishing trip. I hope I never lose the passion for stalking giant Whitetails or hooking up Freak Walleyes. Now hunting Tanker Black Bears at Pasha….NICE!!

    Well…..Mothers Day Pal!! Think the wife wants to catch fish!!

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    Chad…are you getting into the big pike yet?? Still waiting for the last minute go ahead.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    FANTASTIC INFORMATION CHAD!! Maybe if James sees this he will be willing to post this for all to see as I believe your are correct that the fear of the unknown is worse than the reality of the situation.

    Yup, definitely some great info here. I added it to the home page in the “news and announcements” area.

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Good Morning trapsht –

    Yes, we are catching the big pike. I took my dad out for the opener (walleye) and landed a dandy 38″. It took my 1/4oz jig deep into it’s mouth, but somehow the pike gods were on my side.

    Also, last week, I did some last minute guiding and boated 3 over 40. (still waiting on the pics from the group)

    I must tell you though, it’s been a weird year so far. Last year at this time, we had those big pike patterned right to a “t”. This year, we are still dialing in the formula.

    When are you heading up?

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    I was waiting for you to let me know when to come up. I was on your list to call when the fishing started. I guess we can try it again next year.

    Chad Thompson
    2 hours from Thunder Bay, Ontario
    Posts: 325

    Good Morning Trapsht –

    Is a quick trip still possible? We do have some availability through May 29… that gives you a little over a week and half. Maybe you can get a 2 or 3 day’er in???

    If not, send me your contact info over email ([email protected]) and I will put you on my calendar to call first thing next year.



    Posts: 5660


    I was waiting for you to let me know when to come up. I was on your list to call when the fishing started. I guess we can try it again next year.

    Hey Trapsht Pike fishing has been a bit spotty in many regions of Northern Minnesota including many parts of Ontario due to a strange weather season. Last year my guide service netted 49 Pike over 10lbs and this year……Only 17 in about the same period. With that being said we Blitzed the Big eyes?? Early warm ups coupled with extremely low water has made locating large pike great one day, and difficult the next. Having friends dotted across the northern region of Minnesota including Chad at the infamous Posha lake, the general opinion from many guides is that this was a bit off from most years making it difficult to confidently give the nod to customers. With that being said areas like Posha are areas ALWAYS worth wetting a line for trophy caliber fish! I can definately tell you this, Chad wants nothing more than you to enjoy the setting of Pasha Lake and have your drag scream off while battling the Big Gators of the north. I’ll be up in the Fall, and I’ll be sure to give a detailed report of the whole trip!! If you can’t make it this year Good Luck Next Spring!!

    Rockford, Il
    Posts: 311

    Heading up to Green Bay the next 2 weekends…no big deal…like I said…we’ll try it again next year. Too be honest, I’m in enough hot water with the wife as it is. I might have been sleeping in my boat if I shot up to Ontario. Have a good season!

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