Carver Launch

  • buzbunni
    MN, USA
    Posts: 6

    Hi all.

    I’m taking a newbie fishing this evening, and I thought I might try the Carver launch tonight. When I tried it last weekend I couldn’t get the trailer past the mud bank at the bottom of the ramp (it was hitting the lights). Just wondering if anyone has any updates on this ramp as well as access through the bridge upstream? The last time I was up stream was about 1 month ago, and the water was a tad higher.

    Thanks everybody. Good luck fishing tonight!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I havent been by Carver recently. I know another member made it through recently with a shallow 14′ boat and 15 hp motor. The river is dropping very fast and is quite low now…

    Sorry I cant help you with the ramp… but I do know sight-unseen that nothing but small boats should even attempt making it up from Carver right now, and if you dont know the channel from the access to the bridge, I personaly wouldnt attempt it(and I do know the channel).

    Posts: 1767

    Hey Buzbunni,
    Welcome to IDA, I don’t get out in that area myself, wish I could offer more info, it seems to be slim picking on that launch from a number of sources. Hope fishinlogician’s trailer is okay from the bangin.
    Good luck up in that area. Please feel free to share an update I’m sure that others are wondering the same as you.
    Good luck

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