Please don’t litter especially where you fish!!

  • walli_rob
    Posts: 5

    Fellow fishermen along the Minnesota River (and anywhere else).

    Please pick up after yourselves. After years of fishing this great, ever improving, and beautiful Minnesota River basin. I have noticed an alarming trend from shore fishermen………..leaving your trash after fishing

    Respect the Outdoors, Mother Nature, and they’ll keep providing us with years of clean enjoyment.

    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 412

    I don’t think any of the slobs who litter like that frequent this site. I sure hear you though. The garbage left at the community spots is sad – very sad…

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Some shore spots will make you sick just looking at the mess left by self important people.

    Posts: 5

    Hello SteveW,

    Sometimes when I go fishing/ice fishing on all my favorite places. I end up talking to fellow fishermen. Topic of visiting all these forums come up. Most of the fishermen I encounter use or are members and then I witness some of these same fishermen leave their trash.

    Basically I’m just throwing out a friendly reminder to all of us fishermen to help spread the word and maybe bring a garbage bag along to help pick up or hand out. I’ve witnessed some of these fishermen started to pick up afterwards when hand them a garbage bag or they see me pick up after them like when Mom would do. (A little guilt trip sometimes works)

    Thanks and good luck fishing

    Posts: 6687


    Hello SteveW,

    Sometimes when I go fishing/ice fishing on all my favorite places. I end up talking to fellow fishermen. Topic of visiting all these forums come up. Most of the fishermen I encounter use or are members and then I witness some of these same fishermen leave their trash.

    Basically I’m just throwing out a friendly reminder to all of us fishermen to help spread the word and maybe bring a garbage bag along to help pick up or hand out. I’ve witnessed some of these fishermen started to pick up afterwards when hand them a garbage bag or they see me pick up after them like when Mom would do. (A little guilt trip sometimes works)

    Thanks and good luck fishing


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