Ramps closed in the South Metro

  • mfreeman451
    Posts: 543

    Blackdog at 77 is closed, so is the boat access. There is minor flooding over the road as well. I imagine if there are any accesses you could put in on, it wouldn’t be worth it to do so.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046


    Blackdog at 77 is closed, so is the boat access. There is minor flooding over the road as well. I imagine if there are any accesses you could put in on, it wouldn’t be worth it to do so.

    it would be worth it if you knew what you were doing…

    6 Flats saturday night Son… The Minnesota River is on FIRE!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11728


    God your a douche Phigs

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