Door County Report

  • LimpFish
    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Just got back from Rowley’s Bay…fished Thursday night through Sunday. Weather was pretty good, though conditions were a bit dicey on Friday morning and we only got in a couple of hours…lets just say that several of the crew were raising the lake level from the inside out

    Fishing was pretty darn good, as we ended up 38 fish when it was all said and done…all kings. Pretty much all of the fish fell into one of two categories…2-4 pounds or 13-17 pounds. Nothing in between and no magnums, but sure a lot of fun.

    Smaller fish generally seemed to come in shaller water (50-70 feet), while biggger fish were generally in deeper water (100-120 feet). All of the action came between 45-55 feet down and best speeds were between 2.2-2.4 mph (gps). Black & green spoons were far and away the best producer, thought purple and green did shine on Saturday morning. Couldn’t buy a fish on anything else? Riggers were firing on Saturday, but otherwise, dipseys spent most of the time in the spotlight.


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