• wkw
    Posts: 660

    I’ve watched a little bit, but always a treat to watch these young people play their hearts out.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3558

    It is a lot of fun and glad to see so many local news stations give them so much coverage.

    Posts: 3217

    I watched the game yesterday and it didn’t turn out so good. What did happen was espn ticked me off. Lucky I have a big tv cause the whole time it was split screen or less so we could see the pirates and cubbies plane land then watch the bus drive to the park. Whoo fricken Who. If I knew a kid playing in a once and a lifetime game I would have been really pissed. They barely cut back in time to see the pitch delivered then would cut back to a really exciting event. The pirates manager walking from the bus to the stadium. Hopefully wont be like that tonite but im sure it will be.

    Posts: 1194

    It’s a blast to watch. Try and see as much as I can each year.
    That Virginia team is a beast. Fun to see every year.

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