IowaBoy goes Ape

  • lindyrig79
    Forest Lake / Lake Mille Lacs
    Posts: 5505

    Wow, an impressive amount of posts in a short time. Good for you !

    Posts: 3687

    Lindy, I am trying to cause the site to melt down on purpose, it is very easy to do what I did, login, and open a new search tab as you are still logged in on each one.
    Reply to each one, and in sequence, hit submit reply, I am trying to duplicate an issue that this site denies time after time that exists and I am trying to bring the beast out into the open by luring it.

    I am tired of the fault being on my end, and after sending out numerous PM’s to no avail, guess what??
    Yup, its my fault and all three of my servers are to blame.

    As I said in one post, I am no IT guy but I am training myself to be one, being a diagnostician I will sort this out, criminy, 61 years old, haggard and worn out farm boy who has to take it upon himself to either figure this out or cause a meltdown.

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1616

    Sheesh! The site is free, it is what it is as they can turn the lights off at anytime I believe?? Don’t get me wrong the site has some bugs, but hey the lights are on!

    Posts: 3687

    Sure as the sun shines this site is free, I get it.
    And yes sir, the lights are on but someone has to be in charge of the switch, and when the lights start to flicker, time to fix the problem!!

    I will forgive the fact you have ZERO clue as to the amount of time I put into my posts trying to help someone and I do that FREELY after putting in twelve hour days five days a week and then spend six hours trying to put something here.
    DO YOU REALIZE how many times I am contacted in a months time from either members here or lurkers asking for help?? NO YOU DONT and I help them FREELY!!
    From all over this country, and I have yet to charge any of them a frigging nickel.

    I guess its wrong to expect equal in return to what I put into something.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5023

    welcome back sheldon! we miss you

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3046

    Sheesh! The site is free,

    It goes beyond the issues occurring just on this site. Please read the “despicable spam” thread.

    Posts: 1487

    Facebook killed the Internet forum . Snapchat too . Maybe someone make an IDO snap chat group.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3046

    Facebook killed the Internet forum . Snapchat too . Maybe someone make an IDO snap chat group.

    I have heard of snapchat, but that is as far as my knowledge extends. Is that something that can be accessed from a pc?

    cold spring mn
    Posts: 10988

    Facebook killed the Internet forum . Snapchat too . Maybe someone make an IDO snap chat group.

    it only kills these forums if one allows it…….these forums are my first choice.

    Posts: 1487

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>isu22andy wrote:</div>
    Facebook killed the Internet forum . Snapchat too . Maybe someone make an IDO snap chat group.

    it only kills these forums if one allows it…….these forums are my first choice.

    I’d agree . The format here to access info from 15 years ago is much better than Facebook format . I have learned tons of Pool 4 tactics simply from searching the forums . Also seems like a smaller audience which at times I like .

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1616

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>gregory wrote:</div>
    Sheesh! The site is free,

    It goes beyond the issues occurring just on this site. Please read the “despicable spam” thread.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 3929

    I know most of us have experienced problems with this form. It has become second nature to copy my post before I hit “Submit reply” from so many of the times it has failed. I hope they figure out IowaBoy’s problem. I am just happy the lights are flickering towards the on side.

    Hope you’re back to stay Sheldon. I miss your knowledge and post.

    Posts: 1278

    I like the totally rogue nature of the site. It’s feels like AI with a mind of it’s own. Sometimes I’m still logged in 3 days later, sometimes I get stopped for further screening. I always have some trouble posting a thread especially with a link, but it usually eventually goes up giving me time to stew about the potential responses my post already got but I haven’t read yet. It’s a fishing site and it does a good job of teaching patience.

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