Holcombe fishing??

  • proffy1
    Posts: 47

    Hows the fishing been on holcombe? Time for the annual family trip starting this thursday. Looking to get any info on fishing tips locations to try and catch a few for the frying pan. any help would be great, i like trolling rigging jigging. anything to put a few in the frying pan with the inlaws.


    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    I am by no means a master of this lake. I usually can get a few fish though. There are some cribs near Lions park. That is a good spot for a mixed bag. We have caught crappie, perch, walleye, smallies all in that area. For trolling we trolled in 10-12 fow and had good luck for crappies and smaller walleyes. Good luck please post a report.

    IGH, MN/Holcombe, WI
    Posts: 587

    Did alright this weekend.
    Saturday caught one 12 inch walleye and a 10 inch crappie in the morning. My wife and I both landed small northerns in the afternoon.

    Sunday went out with the family and where in 20 FOW by Lions Park. Caught 5 walleyes. All were between 12 and 13 inches. I caught 2 on a jig with half of a crawler or leech and the others on a floating jig head with about 2.5 feet of leader before a slip sinker.

    Monday went out early and tried sames spots that where fished on Saturday and Sunday. Missed a few fish. So we decided to troll. Caught a small fish with a flicker shad and than got a nice 15 incher on a floating rapala in 7 FOW.

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