DNR must ask permission.

  • Anonymous

    Well I can say I have never had a issue with it either. But on more than one occassion, the same officer has done the surprise check and treated it more as a your guilty of something, I just need to find it type of deal.

    Almost makes the innocent feel like an offender.

    Thats WRONG!


    My two cents, amen to the constitution!!! Now, the worst thing you’re gonna catch me doin’ in the ice shack is having a cold one with a dirty mag. So, come on in!!

    I guess I value my fishing/hunting priviledges way too much to lose them over a few perch or walleyes or even an extra line in the water. I’m not there to take my limit home, although it’s nice occasionally, I’m there to kick back and enjoy the peace and quiet!!! For me, ice fishing is about relaxing.

    It’s too bad a crack head is getting away scott free. We’ve got places for guys like that back home, fence post holes!!!LOL


    Hey waterfowler-do you have a house out somewhere this year? Or are you portable? If so-where are you at? I have the equip, but have never put much of an effort in. I think that i could get into hardwater fishing though.


    So now they have to knock on my door and and ask if they can come in? If I say “no” you think they maybe waiting for me to get off the ice? do you think that maybe they would run me “through the ringer ” just because I said NO! I’ve never had a problem with the DNR checking in on me, or other hard water anglers. I fish for pleasure and would never think of keeping anything over a limit.I have not ever felt that this was a infringement on my constitutional rights, more as I see it as the DNR Helping me make sure everbody else abides by the same rules and fishing ethics that I do.Should the guilty parties in this last case be punished? OF Coarse!!, but they won’t. In todays society, with meth labs on the ice, the DNR has thier hands full. By applying this rule, It is only going to tie thier hands further. If they can’t get some sort of varience to this, I think you will see them go after ice house design. Like MUCH larger windows for starters, along with other regs which may not make ice fishing in a shelter the Sport it is now. Spear fishing in a dark house……..? I am not a drug user, I do not break the fishing rules and regulations, they are put in place to protect my ” fishing pleasure” for years to come!!! I do not want to spend my “time” on the ice with people that are destroying the fisheries, manufacturing, or using illegal drugs.I bring my children to fish with me and would hate to have to Explain what “the guy over ther is doing”

    Needed to vent on this one….. Thanx




    All I use is a portable for now. But the big permanent is on my list of needs, or is that wants?? Anyway, I was out this weekend up by centerville. A friend gave me a “hot tip” on the crappie bite. It didn’t turn out too well, one 4″ eye(smallest personal best), one 5″ sunny, one 6″ crappie and several other tiny sunnies. So unfortunatley it was a wasted effort. If the weather holds like they are predicting for this week, I’ll be on Pool 4 this weekend. If not, I’m gonna hit some of the local waters like Prior, Crystal, maybe Marion for some hammer handles????? We’ll see as the week goes on. I’ll send you a private.

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