
  • biggill
    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11301

    Anyone into this series? They just opened season 5 last week and a new episode drops tonight. Season 1 & 2 I thought were awesome. Season 3 was ok and season 4 was unwatchable. So far with season 5 they’ve gotten back to a storyline more inline with seasons 1 & 2. Very good so far.

    It’s on FX if anyone is wondering.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I’m not big into shows at all. Only a couple I’ve ever cared about. Fargo is atop the list. I feel the same as you. Season 1 & 2 were incredible. Season 3 was good but not on the same level. I didn’t even finish Season 4. Looking forward to the new season

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11301

    I really don’t get into shows much either. Yellowstone was unwatchable for me. I got into Breaking Bad, Ozarks, Longmire and Fargo. I also watched The 100 even though it was more of a show targeted to people in their early 20s. That’s about it.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 503

    Fargo is the only “drama” show that I watch.
    I agree, seasons 1-3 were entertaining, season 4 not so much. So far season 5 looks good.
    The only part I do not care for is the over the top Minnesota accents that some of the characters utilize.

    Posts: 2232

    I LOVED season 1 and really liked most of Season #2 but stopped short of finishing season 2 by one episode because the whole UFO thing really jumped the shark. That whole shootout scene in the Motel at the end and the guy gets away because a UFO shows up and distracts everybody. I get that they were paying homage to the Warren, MN UFO incident back in the 70s throughout the season with subtle references but they went WAAAAY overboard at the end. So I stopped watching right there.

    Posts: 20635

    I dont even remember season 4 perhaps I missed it but I am enjoying this one and agree the first couple were awesome.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1078

    Do you need to watch each season to understand the next? So can I watch seasons 1-3, skip 4 and go right into 5?

    Posts: 20635

    Nope each season is completely independent of each other and new actors each one. No repeats.

    Posts: 20635

    Billy Bob Thornton was in the first season I believe and was amazing. John Hamm is in this one.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Do you need to watch each season to understand the next? So can I watch seasons 1-3, skip 4 and go right into 5?

    you dont need to no but each storyline sort of ties into each other loosely. For example, one shop owner character in season 1, which takes place somewhere in the 2000’s timeframe if i remember correctly, is the deputy in season 2, which takes place in the 1970s. Its not going to ruin the storyline or detour you from understanding or enjoying the show if you dont watch them in order but there are subtle connections throughout

    Ryan Schwartz
    Posts: 133

    Loved Season 1 but turned it off during Season 2. The UFO thing was silly and it was also difficult to duplicate the cast of characters from Season 1 as Billy Bob was brilliant. Just felt different and didn’t get hooked in Season 2. Didn’t realize the series was still going on.

    Inver Grove Heights MN
    Posts: 4388

    Going great so far, definitely must see TV!!!

    Posts: 186

    I had no intention of watching season 5, but this thread convinced me to try it, pretty good so far. I would also agree with the opinions about season 1 and 2 being good, 3 was meh, and 4 was terrible as I gave up after 2 or 3 episodes.

    Posts: 1514

    Based on the first post, sounds like it’s on Tuesdays.
    But, what station?

    Posts: 186

    It’s on FX

    tim hurley
    Posts: 5692

    Billy Bob series was great (season 2?) not into this one yet.

    Alton Raines
    Posts: 2

    In season 1 Malvo is such a mysterious character, seemingly a bit supernatural and certainly psychotically devious and hateful. When he forces Don, the fitness instructor, to read a written statement over the phone to the Supermarket King he is blackmailing the statement contains language about a child in a situation almost as if it would have left such a child feral, even sociopathic like himself; he wrote about a child looking in the windows of the fortunate saying ‘why are they in and he out? why is a he hungry and they fed?’ and ‘every stinging bug was known to him’ and ‘when it was hot he boiled and when it was cold he froze’ then ending it with ‘and then the wolves came’ — Malvo was constantly shown through the show associated with a wolf or wolves — when Don is reading it Malvo gives a rare facial reaction as if this was a personal story, wincing. Malvo never feels anything for anyone. What do you think? Did Malvo tell his own backstory in that moment, or at least part of it? The show is loaded with such hidden truths. It would certainly explain Malvo’s malicious nature and lack of conscience.

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