Best Resorts for Fish

  • Brad Muckenhirn
    Posts: 8

    Going up (hopefully) thanksgiving weekend.

    Are there any resorts that stick out that typically have better fishing than other?

    Is structure or shallow flats better in early season?

    Posts: 3957

    Any place you can walk out 200-300 yards is all you need. No real structure or flats really.

    Justin riegel
    Posts: 806

    If you are looking for a place that has a bar and cooks your fish JRs and West Winds are probably your best options. Personally I like fishing the east shore more early as the ice seems more consistent.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 5351

    Is structure or shallow flats better in early season?

    Keep looking around for structure and we will see you in Feb. Just walk out to a break line and drill some holes.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 17872

    Just walk out any where and you’ll be golden. We stay at west winds in a skid house on shore

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 7247

    I’ve only done the early ice red trip 5 times now, and I’d echo what everyone else says. Find a place that gets you out to 8 or 9′ early on, stay quiet and away from people as much as possible and you will be in good shape. I am not sure one resort is “better” than another early on unless you are concerned about bar/restaurant access.

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