Northern Minnesota-Mixed Bag

Last week I took both my kids up north to the cabin for some fishing and fun. We got up mid-day Thursday and both kids wanted to go out and fish right away, fine with me!! I packed up dinner, some drinks and the portable DVD player. We decided to go out trolling and enjoy what was left of the evening. Fishing was slow but the kids enjoyed making a fort under the rear casting deck and watched Scooby Doo. It was a very relaxing and enjoyable evening on the water with the kids.

Our plans for Friday included some bass fishing on a local lake. We got on the water after breakfast and fished for about 3 hours. We were pitching hair jigs, sweet beavers and some chompers along the deeper weed edges. The action was fast and kept both kids entertained the entire time we were on the water. Alex got a big surprise when the pike above gobbled up his chomper and took off for deep water. He did a great job fighting the fish and an even better job holding and handling it. We took a quick photo and Alex leaned over the side of the boat and back in the water Mr. Pike went. He is only 6 1/2 years old and he already knows and practices catch and release willingly, a very proud moment for me. Atta Boy!!!

Friday came and the weather was fantastic for getting the kids out in the canoe for a little gill action. Shallow reeds is where we found them. A simple set up for both kids, bobber and single hook with a power wiggler or crappie candy did the trick. This shallow bite is a lot of fun for the kids, it truly is non-stop action. At one point both kids were in need of more bait and they were yelling at me to get them back in the water so they could catch more fish. Its a lot of fun to see them both so excited about fishing.

Friday night Momma and Uncle Dan came up to spend a couple of days with us. Alex was pumped up to fish with Uncle Dan on Saturday. Our plan was to go back and bass fish, that’s exactly what we did. Same set up, same lake with very similar results. To say Saturday was competitive would be a major understatement. Alex was keeping track of each and every fish we boated and the ones that shook off at the side of the boat too, but those only counted for him:) I was in the lead at one point and Alex told Dan “you should use what my dad is using”. As this conversation progressed Alex ended up telling Dan he’s not that good of a fisherman. Dan and I were almost in tears laughing at Alex and his comments. Its times like these that none of us will every forget. At day’s end wouldn’t you know it…Alex out fished both of us.


  1. Pizza @ Lucette’s in Hackensack. The kids wanted to catch the football game, so we enjoyed some of the best pizza on the planet.

  2. Quote:

    Fishing was slow but the kids enjoyed making a fort under the rear casting deck and watched Scooby Doo.

    Dude…you gotta take me sometime, I love Scooby Doo

    Way cool read and pictures friend

  3. Outstanding my friend! Never tire of the Bowman family!
    6 and a half and holding toothies like a pro! I have a hunch we’ll be seeing him holding the real deal Esox in no time

  4. I believe the converstation went down like this:

    Alex: “Me and my Dad are catching more bass than you.”

    (brief pause for reflection by Alex on the situation in the back of the boat)

    Alex: “Uncle Dan why are you using a crankbait?”

    Uncle Dan: “Using it because I need to catch up to your Dad”

    Alex: “Why don’t you just use what my Dad is using?”

    Uncle Dan: “This is my lucky crankbait…”

    Alex: “I think it’s probably just because my Dad is a better fisherman.”

    I didn’t know trash talking in the boat was genetic, but apparently it didn’t skip this generation. I will be laughing about that one for a long, long time.

  5. Quote:

    I believe the converstation went down like this:

    Alex: “Me and my Dad are catching more bass than you.”

    (brief pause for reflection by Alex on the situation in the back of the boat)

    Alex: “Uncle Dan why are you using a crankbait?”

    Uncle Dan: “Using it because I need to catch up to your Dad”

    Alex: “Why don’t you just use what my Dad is using?”

    Uncle Dan: “This is my lucky crankbait…”

    Alex: “I think it’s probably just because my Dad is a better fisherman.”

    I didn’t know trash talking in the boat was genetic, but apparently it didn’t skip this generation. I will be laughing about that one for a long, long time.

    Now thats awesome!
    Sounds like a Bowman to me…

  6. Quote:

    Pizza @ Lucette’s in Hackensack. The kids wanted to catch the football game, so we enjoyed some of the best pizza on the planet.

    Very good pizza, try the boneless wings sometimes…Wow they are good.

  7. This whole thread spits great!!!!!!!!!!!! From the big and little fish caught by the kids to the pro hold of the pike by Alex (BTW, how long do you think), to the great looking pizza (love pizza), to the smack down of poor Uncle Dan… All great stuff!!!


  8. Quote:

    This whole thread spits great!!!!!!!!!!!! From the big and little fish caught by the kids to the pro hold of the pike by Alex (BTW, how long do you think), to the great looking pizza (love pizza), to the smack down of poor Uncle Dan… All great stuff!!!


    The pike bumped at 34 or 35, Alex was doing it so I had a hard time telling exactly what the length was.

  9. Thanks Bob for making me What a great report! From Scooby Doo, to big pikes, to yelling at Dad to get more bait on, to competitive fishing and of course Alex putting Uncle Dan in his place. Truly a wonderful memory and fishing experience for all! No wonder why your kids want to go fishing!

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