Dick Dragiewicz and I fished the Driftless Area th

Dick was using a new fly he invented. It is a size 6 hook with lots of silver tinsel on it tied fully. Dick put a small split shot 10 inches up and dredges current lines. Right after I took this photo Dick caught his first trout of the day.

Dick called his fly he tied a Mepps Spinner. It actually was a fly. Dick told me his friends dissed him and told him he would never catch anything on that monstrosity. Dick proved them wrong tonight.

Dick looked for current lines that stepped down or places where 2 current lines intersected. It seemed to be the ticket today for Dick.

I landed more trout than dick and was a little ahead of him most times because I was throwing a panther martin spinner.


  1. Way to go Dick, its more than doubly satisfying to catch a fish on a fly you invented. When I was in fifth grade I tied a funny looking fly and almost 40 years later I still remember the crappie I caught on it.

  2. Nice report Len! With the cooler temperatures this summer have you seen an increased bite compared to more hotter summers? I usually fish trout in April and May and then quit until September. Looks like I might have missed a good bite this summer.

  3. the average temps in the area are down. stream temps have not gotten over 66 and now they are in low 60s and upper 50s on spring creeks. this season is a fluke.

  4. My huge hands always dwarf the fish and then you have to look at my ugly mug and it always distracts people.

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