Big Browns are Back!!

The brown trout bite is going fantastic now, it was hard to leave those kings but when the king bite slowed down a bit we went after some browns. Found a ton of fish and they cooperated very well for us. The key is locating the fish, then the hard part is figuring out what they want to eat.

This bite is just starting and will last for the next 6 months.

Standard stuff like, jigs, spoons, spinners, cranks, stick baits, spawn minnnows, gulp and fly’s all work and I bring them all out when chasing these fickle fish.

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capt. eric

Full time fishing guide fishing for everything that swims with an emphisis of fishing for "Big Fish". I've been fortunate enough to film with In-Fish T.V. Babe Winkleman, Midwest Outdoors, Outdoor Wisconsin, John Gellispe's waters and woods.


  1. The browns are an awesome looking fish in the fall, we’re so spoiled and blessed to have this resource.

    Good fishing guys!


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