Pool 4 Mississippi River walleye report

The pool 4 sauger and eye bite is still going strong. Here is a quick update if you need to get the juices flowing for Saturday and Sunday.

Today I had the pleasure of fishing with Joe Huber. Our game plan for the day came close to being perfect. After launching at everts and recieving some quick tips from Steve, we hit our first spot around 11:00 am. The first part of our plan was to pick up a couple of eaters. Our first drift of the day yield a couple of smaller sauger. The bite was just not hopping, so we opted to another location. We hit the area below the Y and spent a fair part of the afternoon drifting varying depths. Our best action and all of the eyes came in less than 15 ft. of water. Photo # 1 is Joe with a pair of nice eyes. We caught sauger in deeper water but around 20ft most were dinks. Your best bet is to stay shallow.

Photo # 2 is pair of sauger Joe doubled on. Joe had the hot stick today. He was catching the majority of his fish on black/orange FisherFlick hair jigs. Black/white ringies, light colored Doo’s and dark hair jigs all produced for me but I had to keep switching up.

It was nice to see a higher % of eyes coming to the boat. The later part of the day was spent hog hunting- that was the only part of the plan that did not work out. No trophy today.

It looks like warmer temps ahead the next couple of days so get out and enjoy. See you on the water, don

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