Mississippi River Wi. Pool 9 Walleye Report

Well it’s not that I haven’t been on the computer and on the web site but I just haven’t been doing that much fishing. And when I have been fishing it hasn’t been around here.Well that all came to an end a week or so ago when I pulled my boat up to the Lynxville Dam for an afternoon and evening of fishing.There was a lot of grass still coming down from above and if you didn’t find a seam or a crease to fish you would be full of grass in a matter of minutes. I did happen to find a couple of schools of eater sized walleyes and when they hit the bait you knew it. As you can see by the picture of this 16 inch walleye with a chartruse pearl k-grub deep in his mouth.

Today I went out with a couple of guys from town up to pool 9. Len from the Falling Rock gave me a tip that there were some fish up there being caught on a drop off in about 17 feet of water. Well I said that covers a lot of area up on 9 and (with a chuckle)he said yes it does,shoot up the channel and you’ll see me. So I did just that, I put in above Desoto Bay and fished several areas with limited success until we found just what Len was talking about. Within minutes Murry had a fish on, using a 5/16th oz led head and a chartruse peper k-grub.The bite was hit and miss but the fish were there.Some would just hammer the offering and others would just pull on it a bit. Here is a picture with Murry holding a 15-16 inch eater.

There were 3 of us in the boat today, and the weather was very nice. The wind was out of the south west at around 5 miles an hour and the sky was overcast for the most part.Scott Shedivy was the next guy to tie into a fish and I got one look at it and then it was gone…sorry buddy …that was a good walleye too…we’ll have to wait till next time to get your picture.Chartruse Pepper seemed to be the color today. It didn’t matter weather it was a superdo,k-tail or ringworm as long as it was chartruse peper. I pulled up this next fish with a ringworm and a H20 Jig. It was about 17inches long and it really didn’t hit very hard at all..As a matter of fact I was talking with Len in his boat when I said that I thought i must have snagged him…But i must have snagged him right on the inside of his mouth…

All three of us missed several fish that just crushed the plastics and also pulled up fish that barley sucked in the offerings…all in all it was a real fun time with these two guys…especially when I pulled up this girl…She just flicked the tip of my St.Croix. and If it wasn’t for the sensitivity of my St.Croix Avid it would have gone un-noticed…Thanks St.Croix making such a nice walleye rod.(AS68MXF)

remember you can click on the pictures and get a full size view………. FISH ON !! <img src="http://www.in-depthangling.com/forums/lake/images/graemlins/waytogo.gif" alt="" />

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Dave Koonce

Koonce’s home waters are Pools 9 and 10 of the Mississippi River, neither of which is too far from where he lives in Prairie du Chien, Wisc. “It only takes about 15 minutes to have my boat at the landing,” Full Bio ›


  1. Very nice report Dave. Doesn’t it feel great to be on the water again. That’s why I took the week off. I miss it soooooooooo much.

  2. I tried the 6lb dia. and it seemed a little large for jigging, but it was extremely cold that day. Does it work well for you in most weather?

  3. No !!!

    that was the last time i use it for casting jigs…

    the weeds were so heavy that I used this to RIP the weeds from my line when i felt a heavy weight on my line…

  4. Nice report Dave,
    good fish and good fishing. Plastic up and down the river, who would have quessed a few years ago. Jack.

  5. Great report Dave It’s about time water temp get below 40. Good to see you out on the water and reporting, I thought you were waiting for ice fishing. THANKS

  6. Hey guys,

    I was out again this morning…man, if i would have checked out the weather before I headded out i would have went right back to bed

    but I’m glad I didn’t…..

    I caught over 30 fish today…i think 2 weren’t keepers All in the 16-18″ range…I saw some big’ns caught and released but they weren’t on the end of my pole…I could have stayed out all day if I didn’t have to work tonight

    Here is a pic of two of the 6 I kept for dinner tonight…all were males and none of them had anything in there stomachs..I was using ringworms and superdoos,,,purple and chartruse peper strung up an a 1/4 oz H20 jig…dynamite combination

    good fishing all !!

  7. Hi Dave, I was on Pool 9 around the blackhawk area For the first time in the winter months.Left the area with a zero.Which was no surprize I had planned on chalking that trip up to a learning ex.I did stop at lynxville dam and caught quite afew saugers. and a couple to eat.Was hoping for some advice on what to look for far as stucture and depths this time of yr. Any advice would be appreciated.

  8. Dave, you’re wife lets you bring live fish into the kitchen! I might be able to get away with it but only if they were walleye.

    Supposed to warm up a little tomorrow. Might be another good day to get out.

    Nice report bud. – Wade

  9. I was v-jigging in about 17′ of water…I found today that the fish were realting to the dropoff today…I mean right on the sharp angle…I was using a 1/4 oz jig with a purple ring worm or a chartruse pepper…super doos also…look for rock ..lots and lots of rock…I lost several jigs that last two times out…quite a bit of flow too…

    how were you catching your saugers below Lynxville ?

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