Ohio, Lake Erie Walleyes

What an experience and fishery Ohio, Lake Erie has to offer. I have never seen so many walleyes in a boat at one time in my life. With a great Captain and a way cool boat set up with numerous electronics, we were on fish all day with there only being one slow period of about 20 minutes fishing. After a move of only a few hundred yards we were back on a consistent bite. Seven guys (Including Captain Tim) fishing out of the back of a 30’ boat made for plenty of room while netting Walleyes without any elbow pounding going on. It also makes for a smooth ride

Pictured here is Tyler with some dandy eyes!!

This trip is affordable for even the tightest budgets. The six of us rented a van and loaded it up with just enough food and cloths to get us through one over night stay and a day of fishing. We didn’t stay in anything fancy but it was a place to fix some grub, have some good laughs and crash for the night in comfort. Leaving from SE Wisconsin, the trip can be done for $250.00 each with 6 people, that’s, Van Rental (with insurance), Charter, 2 Rooms and Gas. We brought our own food and refreshments along, for a trip and great time like we had, that’s cheap!

My good friends Scott, Tyler, Tim, Randy, Scotty, and myself had the trip pictured in our heads totally different than what we experienced. Being just out of Toledo we were expecting city life in a high traffic area. Not so, were out in a rural area low keyed and quiet next to the marina. We also thought we would be vertical jigging or trolling which was not the case. The method was casting which made for a great time catching fish and put around 48 eyes in the boat in 5 hours of fishing time with only a few that were short

After an 18 mile ride out onto the lake, Captain Tim had us set up with a one hook crawler harness with a 3/8oz egg sinker about 8-10inches in front of the beads. The ticket was drifting and making long cast. Using a count down method putting the bait in the strike zone and then a slow steady retrieve put fish in the boat. We also seen a lot of fish being taken from other boats trolling, which Capt. Tim is set up to do but, likes to use it as a last resort, it was more fun being able to enjoy the bite and fight while casting with the lighter tackle. We were fishing in 15fow to 29fow using an 8-15 count while letting the spinner sink before retrieving. We caught White Perch, Sheaphead and Striped Bass, there were even a few nice Yellow Perch that fit in the cooler just fine The limit of Walleye’s that made a trip back to Wisconsin were from 16-21 inches. It made for a nice mess of fish to divide up between great friends.

If you are looking for something different give Capt. Tim (Golden Reel Fish Charter) a call. He has a great since of humor and he made things a lot of fun on the boat!

Pictured here is Captain Tim at the wheel.

If you have any questions about the trip, feel free to shoot me a PM or post here. I will answer to the best of my knowledge. It is an affordable trip which I recommend you get out there and do.


  1. Notice the white, it is not sand. The bank was lines and thick in sea shells.
    It is a trip I will be making again!!!

  2. Great report Bret I am glad to see you guys had a better than expected trip, sure sounds like a lot of fun

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