Mississippi River Pool 4 3/21/2011

I was lucky enough to spend a long weekend down on pool 4 at Evert’s resort this past weekend. During my 4 day stay I met many new people and saw some old faces once again, it was great seeing and meeting everybody. Also thanks to all who shared the boat with me this past weekend, it was fun!
On the agenda for the weekend was to look for big fish and help Dean out around the resort. I am glad to say, both panned out very well!!!!!!!!!

This time of year on the river there is one thing on my mind, and that is BIG fish. When targeting bigger fish you have to prepare yourself mentally for the day. Realizing that you may only catch 1 to 5 fish the whole day, but it will be the one or ones your looking for. That is tough for some people including myself at times, but the bigger fish more than likely wont be schooled up with eater sized fish.

The areas we targeted this past weekend were any current seams and any SAND. Did I mention SAND!! The flow is up enough right now that there is getting to be a handful of good seams located on the inside corner of the river bends or backwater areas. Most locations like that are silted in with sand on the lower end creating a shallow flat. The depths we targeted were 0′ to 12′ with the majority of our fish coming from roughly 6′ of water.

At this stage in the game the fish are starting to actively feed, and at all times of the day. The water clarity has dropped to less than a foot creating a mid-day bite! With low water clarity, we focused are color selection of blades to mainly brighter colors including fire tiger, red, and white. Although black and gold did put some fish in the boat.

Ringworms and Moxies also put a handful of fish in the boat over the weekend, with firecracker chart tail, and pro blue being the color of choice. I do foresee that changing to brighter colors very soon if it hasn’t already.

Everybody, including myself is keeping a close eye on the river levels at this point. It is coming up fast and changing daily. That doesnt mean there isnt fish to be caught though. Keep in mind with the rapid changes, fish will more than likely move day by day and even hour by hour. Keep reading the water and adjusting accordingly to stay on the fish!

If you have any vacation time left take it now and give yourself a chance at a fish of your lifetime!!!!!

Until next time……………

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