July Fishing in Canada, eh?

Update –

We are starting to see fish transition from the shallows of the spring/ early summer to the deeper, cooler waters of July. The heat has brought the water temps up to a balmy 75 degrees, perfect bathwater for a quick dip during a famous Canadian shore lunch.

In fact, yesterday I was guiding on yet another famous Pasha Lake adventure. The day started out a bit slow, but ended with several high quality pike. In fact, we found a wind blown shore line that we trolled for several hours, each pass producing pike. It took us a while to figure out what the fish were telling us, but after some lengthy trial and error, we dialed it in. Deep running cranks (20ft) or better, with a large profile were the ticket to Northern Pike bliss. What was really surprising, was the fact that the more natural the color, the more aggressive the fish became. Counter intuitive to what I was thinking at the time, but that just goes to show you that you can take intuition and throw it over with the anchor when it comes to fishing. All in all, no 40’s for the day, but multiple 30’s and some highly aggressive upper 20’s.

Another noteworthy interest to everyone is that the charter captains on Nipigon have started to see great success. Rumors are swirling of big lakers 30lbs or better. The two charters from Pasha Lake this week saw a minimum 5 fish a day, biggest being 28lbs. Sorry gentleman, pics coming soon!

Looking over the books for the next couple of weeks, we do have some openings. If a last a minute trip to Walleye/Pike/Lake Trout paradise works for you, give me a call and we can play “Let’s Make a Deal”! Specific dates are from July 10 departing on July 24.

Until next time!


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Chad Thompson

In 10 years of owning Pasha Lake Cabins, we served thousands of guests by helping them experience all Ontario has to offer. We've been there, done that and learned from the school of hard knocks. Now, armed with Full Bio ›

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