Pool 7 Mississippi River Wisconsin Fishing Report

The carp bite is in full swing and if you’re a cat guy ya gotta love fishing for big submarines during daylight hours, especially if you have not been able to get out at night

The spawn is in full swing making it very easy to find these tanks. Look for shallow water off the main channel with slight current near by such as sloughs and cuts while watching for commotion on top of the water. Spawning carp are aggressive, making it very easy to find them splashing around. You will have a blast tangling with this species I guarantee

The area we set up on today was a cut created by a couple islands on pool 7. We had spawning carp on both sides of the cut on shallow flats throwing water everywhere. By placing our baits (a gob of crawlers) in the middle of the cut which was 2.5fow, we were able to hook up on some dandy tankers taking a break from the orgy.

Casting into spawning carp is like trying to call a big Tom turkey away from horny hens, it’s just not going to happen but, placing are baits between the orgy picked up fish moving through the cut from flat to flat. The cut also produced a few nice channel cats and as always feisty sheephead, making sure that there was not a dull moment.

Sometimes fishing just to be fishing can be a blast. Two double digit forearm burning carp for the smoker was a bonus.

Good luck fishing people

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