My obsession with the split G-3 comes to an end

My first encounter with the split G-3 buck was in late october of 2008, he was just an average 1.5 year old buck what made him different was His split G-3 on his left side.
In 2009 he had grown allot but still not a “hit list” buck.
I started to get pics of him in velvet in July of this year and knew immediately he was on my short list of Shooter bucks

Late september trail camera pic

Late september trail camera pic

After I got my 1st pictures of him in velvet I set up an arsenal of cameras on my farm to try and get some Idea as to his travel patterns. It didn’t take long to find out that he spent most of his time less than 75 yards from my house. In the last 2 years I have averaged 6 picures of him per week on this camera.



2009 trail cam picture of the Split G-3

2009 trail cam picture of the Split G-3

He Usually came out of his bedding area about 30 minutes to 2 hours after dark so I knew it was going to be hard to kill this buck until the rut or after the rut with cold weather and snow.




The stand that I shot the split G-3 Buck from

The stand that I shot the split G-3 Buck from

The Hunt
I started hunting the split G-3 on october 23rd, I Passed several bucks in the 140″ range But was holding out for The split G-3 or the Big 9 I never saw either buck in the daylight during October or November! December 1st came along and I had gotten a late start heading to my stand, on my way I jumped the Big 9 less than 50 yards from my stand, I was sick! I knew that I had just missed my only chance at him for the year! I decided to crawl into my stand anyway and hope that I would see something, less than 10 minutes had gone by and the food plot started to fill up with does, I was busy glassing and counting all the does (27) when I caught movement from The Split G-3’s bedding area… It was him! Moving in broad daylight! I couldn’t believe it! after all this time to see him walking towards me, the sun shining on his rack,about that time a doe less than 15 feet from me winded me and deer were running everywhere!The split G-3 buck just stood there broadside not moving… I knew it was now or never! I took the shot, and after all this time he was mine! In the next few minutes I went through a roller coaster of emotions. But in the end I was a very happy! I am glad that I have so much history with the Split G-3 Buck. I will miss seeing him on the camera

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