Quick Halloween Carpin’ report!

As the air temps and water temps are cooling this time of year, it’s fairly common knowledge that many species of fish are putting on the feedbag in preparation for the long hard winter. The Common Carp also follows this cold weather pattern. Most people think of these big boys and girls as a spring/preseason fish to target, but, just like their toothy brethren they to also want to pack on the pounds before Ol’ Man Winter sets in. Here’s my pal….. We’ll call him “Angler X”, a seasoned Muskie professional, who donned his Hallow’s Eve best free Cub Foods costume with a dandy 12Lb. Cyprinus Carpio!

Catching these sometimes elusive bottom feeders in the fall consists of a somewhat sneakier approach than during the summer months. On the waters we’ve been fishing the water is much clearer and the ground is a little softer than usual due to high waters. Therefore, we have been very quiet upon approach to a spot and stand back a little farther from the bank than normal. Almost like you would approach spring time trout fishing on a small stream. Another photo of Angler X demonstrating the girth these fish are packin’ on for the winter.

As far as bait goes for this quick little trip we resorted to just using a plain ol’ corn rig on a #2 Walleye hook..splitshot placed about 2-3 feet above the hook in order to have a nice freefloating corn glob ( this time of year it’s a neccesity to keep your corn floating above the mess of leaves on the bottom of the river). Another excellent option for late season is to double the corn up with a nightcrawler or try your own favorite carp recipe.

With the days getting shorter and less fishin’ time after work, your friendly neighborhood carp might be a good option for a quick fix and some peelin’ drags. Good luck and most of all HAVE FUN!

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