Finally- open water in Nebraska

Spring is finally here! Well….sorta. Between 70 degree days and snowdrifts, it’s hard to tell at times. This week has been up and down in major ways, but we still found some fish that were willing to play.

Searching for saugers on the canal system proved to be work. They are really moving around right now, and don’t seem to be concentrated in any specific areas. I’m sure the weather has a little something to do with that, too. With St Patty’s day being 75 or so degrees, then a mini-blizzard the next day, you can understand why. We were able to get 6 saugers, with this nice 19 1/2 incher being the best so far. Great coloration on this male. Hopefully they become more predictable soon.

The real ticket has been crappies. They’ve been aggressive, and somewhat plentiful. We had 35 one day, and nearly 60 another. Some real nice fish, including the 14 incher seen above, caught by fellow IDOer HuskerDB.

Another nice couple of fish caught by my friend Clayton went over 12″, with a slow presentation ruling the day. These fish are mostly hitting plastics, but a few marabous are being attacked as well. Get out and enjoy the spring. It can’t be winter forever!

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Brian Robinson

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