Purple Mountains Majesty – mountain lakers

“Purple Mountains Majesty” For those of us that live in the mid-west and don’t get to travel into the mountains, we sure do miss out on a lot.
Much of the fishing that I have been doing this summer has been a “snooze-fest”. Much of the same old things with crank’n rocky points, deep water humps, and pitching thick weeds. Other than trying a few new baits, a lot of the “same-old-same-old”.
Work brought me to Denver, Colorado and allowed to tack on a few extra days to go play. With the mountain lakes and prairie dogs calling my name, I had to do what every red-blooded sportsmen would do….try to do it all!

My brother in law lives out there and gave me use of his truck & boat for a couple days (THANK YOU!!) Thank God I’ve been good at keeping a few of my primary baits stocked in his boat as that really paid off having nearly everything I needed already there.
A few years ago, I fell in love with Lake Granby and the lake trout it offers. Once a pattern is dialed in, 20″ to 24″ lakers are common with an opportunity for fish into the 30# class.

Though this trip didn’t offer a 30# opportunity for me, I couldn’t help but reflecting on the patriotic song “America the Beautiful”. I’ve been blessed to be able to spend so much time in the outdoors and get to see so much more than the average. Even then, there is such beauty in this country that leaves me awestruck every time I experience it.

Lake Granby is located between Rocky Mountain National Park to the north, and the vast ski resorts to the south along Hwy 34. At nearly 8,500 feet this mountain lake has spectacular views and is a classic area for watching the majestic purple shadows settle in across the mountain range at sunset.

Fishing lakers in the high country is very similar to the deep inland lakes we have here at home. Water temp, depth, and rubble (boulders?) is key for finding a pattern.
I like to watch for transitions in the shoreline where I see sharp steep deposits of granite boulders. Generally those steep drops will continue to 100+ foot of water and good electrics will allow you to see a continuation of deposited boulders.
Vertical jigging amongst the rubble in 60 to 110 fow again proved to be a consistent pattern, and allowed me to enjoy a couple days worth of awesome fishing!

My offering is kept quite simple:
7′ medium /fast Quantum Smoke rod/reel with braid and a 30″ floro leader
Baits include:
* Live target lipless Gizzard Shad – 1/2oz
* BFT Blade baits in 1/2oz
*2″-3″ white or pearl tubes with 1/2-3/4oz jigs
* 1/2oz Darter head jigs with Flukes or Trigger X Minnow Walleye in 3″ or 4″

I do believe most sportsmen see most of what they are looking at; something that many in this world fail to experience. I’m sure this report is much more sentimental than most, but spending a few days awestruck by the magnitude of beauty this country offers does it for me.
From America the Beautiful –

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!

America! America!
God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea! “

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Randy Wieland

Randy brings over thirty years of knowledge working in the fishing, hunting, marine, and camping arena. While gaining knowledge in sales through most of his working life, Randy has excelled in product knowledge and use of out door equipment while Full Bio ›

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