Pool 4 Channel Cat Report 5/15/11

WooHOOO! It’s great to be back on the Mighty WET Mississippi River again without winter gear!

Sunday I found myself daylight, yes I said daylight fishing with TC Cat and Jacob for Ryank’s BACHELOR PART!


Everts and Pool 4 was the first stop for the Bachelor Party. The next stop was an all nighter on the Alma Float. What a bunch of great friends you have Ryan!

With the water temp peaking at 59 degrees, it’s a little too early for a dedicated flathead bite, but the channels made up for it.

After introducing the Bachelor Party to Sudden Impact fiber bait by Team Catfish, the bait did the work and made believers out of them. This bait stays soft in the cooler temps and it’s much easier to bait a naked hook then to try to get a temperature hardened stink bait into a tube.

One of the areas we where fishing was my SUPER SECRET spot near an undisclosed lock discharge. We had cut bait out and a Sudden Impact laden hook fishing vertically. On lookers were pointing because they thought the people in my boat were vertical jigging for the unmentionable scaly fish.

Using the trolling motor, we moved around the area very slowly. My instructions to the guys were to let me know if they felt a bite and I would stop the motor to let the fish take the bait.

Jacob did just that and the skilled angler he is, boated a nice chunky channel with the fiber bait.

Each wooden snag we came across, we would place two bullies as close to the pile we could in hopes of luring a big one out. We received an A for effort, but in the end it was not to be.

On the outside of these snags in the faster water we placed cut sucker, cut creek chub or Sudden Impact.

Saturday evening I had the pleasure of a scouting trip with Co-Worker PeterT.

We found some new wood, some old wood, some good looking wood and some darn nasty looking wood. What we didn’t find was a flathead. We did however pick up a dandy 8, a 6 pound and a few smaller channel cats that put a smile on Pete’s face from ear to ear!

Man, I’m here to tell ya. There is nothing like a peaceful night catten on the river!!

Well maybe a WARM peaceful night on the river catten!

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Brian Klawitter

• First Person to be Knighted at the Spam Museum by Sir Can a Lot. • Founded The Minnesota Catfish and Sturgeon Alliance. • Networked to change the MN's Bullhead Bait length laws for Catfish Anglers • Networked to allow the use of cast Full Bio ›

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