Walleye & Sauger

Rain, Rain go away!

Hey IDO Followers! It seems like we can’t out smart mother nature…we, along with most of the state of Minnesota, have been experiencing some pretty nasty storms over the last…

Walleye & Sauger
Recent Posts

The Thrill to Grill

Handline season starts about the same time as turkey season. These make walleyes and the perfect table fare


Mille Lacs Bite Taking Off

This past weekend I had the opportunity to fish the AIM Weekend Series tournament on my home waters of Mille Lacs. First off I want to hand it to everyone…


“Did anyone here order a pizza?”

“Did anyone here order a pizza?” Not the typical way that you start a weekly fishing report, but trust me, I am going somewhere with this! But first, let me…


Lake of the Woods Walleyes (NW Angle)

It’s deemed the walleye capital of the world for a reason! If you enjoy stretching the string on what seems like an endless amounts of walleyes the Northwest Angle is…


Late May St. Croix River Walleye

With the no wake finally lifted fisherman can open the boat up past closed throttle and burn some gas again. I will say that the no wake kept many anglers…