
Pattern Perfection

Patterning your shotgun in today’s turkey world is a given, but do you have it down to a science? If you’re simply looking to get a good enough pattern to…

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Nebraska Gobblers – Part 2

One down, one to go, but my buddy Jake and I both had a feeling that this one wouldn’t come so easy. Earlier that morning, Jake had setup near some…


Ian’s First Turkey

The 2012 WI Youth Turkey hunt was certainly one that I will never forget. My son Ian had been anticipating and preparing for this hunt for a very long time.…


Turkey Hunting Alone in MN

Throughout the year, I spend a lot of time in the turkey woods with a lot of other hunters. This spring I had the pleasure of seeing fellow IDO member…


WI Season “C” Trophy Tom

Wow, Where to begin from kidney stones to wind, rain and snow. My turkey season has been a roller coaster ride for sure. Watching JP connect on his second tom…


Turkeys, laughs and memories

Has anyone noticed that winter seems to have a death grip on the upper midwest this year? I’m not sure why Ma Nature is so upset with us, but she…