Weather Underground Question for Joel

  • smokinbobo
    Monticello / Guthrie, MN
    Posts: 382

    On this morning’s show Joel mentioned a barometric pressure feature including a look back as well as forecast on the Weather Underground App. I can’t find this in the free version. Do you need to buy a more advanced version to get this feature?

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3123

    Hey Bob – You can’t get this (currently) on the app version. That said, you can get it on the standard web-browser version. So if you’re on your cell phone, pull up chrome or whatever you use and access in that manner. You should be good to go!


    Monticello / Guthrie, MN
    Posts: 382

    Thanks -I guess I didn’t listen closely enough during the show. Figured it out now though!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25025

    For some reason the stations down here don’t give pressure readings, although I did see it somewhere one day. I keep switching stations and no luck.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11299

    You get the baro forecast on the iPad version.

    1. image62.jpg

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11299

    I found past pressure too.

    1. image63.jpg

    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    I saw this on the show as well this morning, so when is the best time to fish? With any change in pressure? Before or after a front? I have just never really figured this out? After seeing the bite on the show, I want to!


    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    I just watched the episode again. To be more specific or for more clarity, James and Joel mentioned big pressure changes trigger the bite. Does this mean a big rise in pressure can trigger the bite as well?? I have a trip planned soon and weather underground (great info, thanks!) says the pressure will be like 30.66. Is this bad? It is a big rise in pressure and drop in temps.

    Thanks guys!

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3123

    I’ve had the best luck in tying a definite triggering of the bite to barometer when the barometer is moving, plain and simple. A close second goes for stable weather, which usually means a steadily increasing or slightly decreasing barometer after being steady for 1-3 days. Fish definitely are more negative immediately following a sharp rise (high front or cold front). 30.66 is darned high, but it can’t be said enough that the best time to fish is when you have time to fish!


    South central, mn
    Posts: 137

    Thanks Joel! I am going to take your advice and get out and fish and keep an eye on the barometer and try to figure this out. It’s all part of the fun in this game we call fishing! Thanks again. Hope to see you on the show again Sunday morning.

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